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‘I felt I would never find a husband’ – Happily Married Albino

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happily married albino
Meet Gaje, who is a YouTube vlogger Singer/Songwriter & Poet Model/Makeup Stylist Ambassador.
Gaje is a happily married mother of two and she recently shared her story with media personality Betty Irabor.
Betty revealed; “When I interviewed this lady a while back, she said that she felt no one would love her and she would never find a husband because of the colour of her skin due to albinism. But God stepped in. She met her man who confessed that his friends tried to discourage him from marrying an albino .. “of all the girls around, it’s an albino you want to marry”? They said to him. But he followed his heart and married her! Then she got pregnant and then came the nagging worry that she might give birth to an albino who would be bullied for his colour as she was in school. But when her baby was tenderly placed in her arms, she cried as he came out looking like his father.. dark skin, melanin! And then came baby number 2 and again, not a trace of albinism !! Grace, Grace!! She has no regrets about being born with albinism and urged others like her not to fall into despair, but feels sad that society has not understood that God does not do colour!! Underneath it all, our blood is none other than red!! God, does not do colour!!”
Below is one of her videos from Youtube:
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